Finding What's In the Process

 The Process             The Process               The Process              The Process

For a stronger you!              

What a woman goes through, we cannot count that high! Can I get an amen?!

What a woman does to move forward and conquer domestic abuse is another bit of courageousness!

The process is deep, wide, tall, thick, and doesn't smell like chocolate.

Hello everyone. I am excited you are here reading this encouragement and real truth.

Empowering women against domestic violence is work. Even tougher, it's work for the woman mowing through it as if she has fields and fields to cut in the hot summer months like we are in now. If you are in Oklahoma, you know we have some Green Country here that needs to be mowed.

First, gathering your thoughts and processing all the garbage. Quick story- I remember back in the day when I first mowing forward. It also came about tax time, oh how that was not fun. Why? I had to remember where I put certain papers with particular numbers and back then, I did not! So, it was a process from all the stress I had been enduring at the time. I recall asking for the same tax document from the office probably about twenty times, no joke. Yes, I know they were tired me calling and asking for the same thing throughout weeks and months, but that is how it was at the time.

How do you get past all the hovering spots? It's as drawing a circle and there's much around it from every direction.

Some say, take a bath. Other say, take a walk in the park. Some say break out the treats and put a good comedy on. All those do work, and certainly, everyone is different.

My suggestion for empowerment is a cleansing prayer, staying in worship music for a time so you can calm down, and spend time with those who make you the happiest. 

I mean think about it, you are washing off wars from your former loved one, all the words which were spoken, you definitely want to get the power hose and wash it all off with the word of God, otherwise it sticks like gum everywhere. I remember as a little girl sometimes stepping on melted chewing up out and about, the gum we would find have made it way into my hair! How did that happen. Gross! So, washing off negativity with the word of God will supersede anything, guaranteed, but you have to stay in it.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc.

Empowerment Women against Domestic Abuse Through Biblical Principles.

Check out my book #JusticeDoesn'tAlwaysComebytheGavel available on


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