2 Types of Bread to Consume


                                                     Photo Courtesy: Eileen Seefluth


During a recent trip to the grocery store, I learned about "bread."

Who all eats plenty of bread? I mean we all like breakfast bread like toast, croissants, and some truly enjoy a buttery flaky layered biscuit, those are the best!

I like to indulge in some English muffins once every couple of weeks. I don't enjoy the mess the make, but the freshness, the soft and chewy part where I can apply butter or jam, or even, nut butter is satisfying with a cold glass of milk- which most people would have coffee or juice.

What does bread have to do with empowering women against domestic abuse?  One, know what goes into the bread. Hence, know what goes into your empowerment away from domestic abuse. So, there are two parts here:

  • First is your mindset. This is the hardest one of them all. At the same time, it's all in your wired thinking, or better yet, "shifted" thinking. A new mindset. New choices. Here are some scriptures to get you going: Romans 12:2 "be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." It is all about changing your mindset and changing it can be tricky after having come out of domestic relationships. But, now that you are gaining momentum and focusing on what you need to focus on whether it be your children, yourself, job, or finding employment and obtaining a job and keeping it, you are sure to surprise yourself on how awesome you do!
  • Next, by taking communion. You may or may not be familiar with this area, but it is the bread of life to go to the communion table and spend some time with poppa God. Communion doesn't have to happen in a church building but can happen in groups or by yourself. By taking communion, you heal in your spirit from the wounds and trauma of abuse. How? By the power of the Lord. The kingdom of heaven is not in Word but of power. This action also strengthens and nourishes your soul, which is what you want. 

If you have questions, you can write me give feedback on the blog or go to the Facebook for Women Empowerment Solutions. I look forward to hearing from you all and look forward to how Women Empowerment Solutions can empower you to be free against domestic abuse.

Be sure to check out my two books & one on the way. You can find them on Amazon.com

#justicedoesn'talwayscomebythegavel & #empoweringwomenfromviolence

Women Empowerment Solutions


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