Dream Big, Dream Wild, or Sleep on the Numerous


                                              Image Courtesy: newagora.ca

Have you had a long day and ready to relax and unwind? Your bed is calling your name, at least about 9:30 or 10 at night depending on your day. Whether you relax in your comfortable bed or the recliner, you dream. What are you dreaming about? Your good REMs speak XYZ, and you want to know what the foreign language is all about (the foreign language is from your dreams).

When you wake up from your dreams, make sure you have a notepad and pen next to your sleeping spot. There, you can write what you remember. Dreams are pretty weird, but they hold special meaning that God is telling you about something. 

Whether you pen a couple of sentences, a paragraph, paragraphs, or a page from your dreams, write it down, you will learn new information each time. This will also show you how you should pray.

I have not heard of anyone say they have not had a dream about using the restroom, very common, which means you are cleansing- that's a good thing.

When you have dreams of doors, check for Isaiah 22:22, it is all about open and shut doors. You definitely want to allow the Lord to shut any doors which need to be closed. Likewise, if you need doors open like a new job, new housing, building new relationships, those are open doors you are looking for.

Have you ever seen numbers in your dreams? You will want to pay close attention to those. Those could be pointing to scriptures you need to meditate on, also, maybe the Lord is revealing something to you gaining your attention. Numbers have value as you already know. Very significant in dreams no matter when you have them.

Colors are important as well. Are you dreaming in black or white? What about color? Colors have definite meaning as the clothes we wear each day how we all communicate with the people we come in contact with. Colors convey our mood, our stance, confidence, and even more in dreams.

White, gold, silver, red are all mentioned in scriptures, as well are purple, which is royal. I would see orange as fiery hot and black as evil.

Years ago, I had a dream of Saskatchewan, Canada. It was bright orange in color. Though I have not been to that particular location, it was highlighted in my dream. Years later, I believe, I learned God wanted me to pray for that area.

You learn more about dreaming as you look into what the symbolisms mean and how they affect you in the present, future, or if you need to deal with an area in your heart. An area of reference for you when you study dreams is John Paul Jackson, look him up on YouTube when you get a minute.

His empowering knowledge, wisdom, study, and research will intrigue you with information which can unlock secret codes you might be fumbling around with.

A few scriptures which talk about dreams:

I Samuel 28:15

Acts 2:17

Daniel 1:17

Ecclesiastes 5:7

Genesis 20:3

Genesis 40:8

These will get you started on your dream journey of knowledge.

Remember, write your dreams down so you can decipher and pray about them. If they are bad dreams, pray against them and don't put up with them. Take authority over them in Jesus' mighty name. Hopefully you are having good dreams with information and blessings, those are the best!

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc.

Contact Eileen Seefluth for your business or creative writing needs. www.EileenSeefluth.com


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