Guest Writer On Overcoming Mental Health Challenges


                                                         Photo Courtesy: Pixabay


Though Mental Health Challenges Ebb and Flow, It Is Possible to Overcome Them By Karen Iverson

 Throughout my life, I have faced struggles with mental health. The challenges range from depression,

 to anxiety, PTSD, and mania. People often question whether they can succeed in their lives if they have

 these type of mental health issues and I am not the first to say you can, and I know I won’t be the last.

 For many years people refused to seek out help because of the stigma of, “Oh, you see a therapist? You

 must be crazy.” Or, even just, “Why can’t you solve your problems on your own?” Some cultures still

 feel this way. But, nowadays, there is far less stigma. Dr. Bryan Robinson remarked on psychotherapy

 stating it is now “viewed as a sign of resourcefulness.” In fact, according to Statista, from 2002 to 2022

 the number of people who have received mental health treatment or counseling services in the U.S. has

 more than doubled from 27.2 million to 55.8 million. I didn’t start seeing a therapist until I was in

 college. The truth is I needed one when I was much younger so that I could’ve received help in

 processing the trauma of my father’s death. It impacted the course of my life. However, I wouldn’t be

 who I am now if I hadn’t gone through the experiences I’ve had in the exact way I’ve had them. The

 result is I firmly believe I am a better counselor because of it. Clients seek treatment for problems we

 all face every day. Issues can range from anxiety to depression to relationship difficulties to work/life

 balance, life stage transitions, and even self-confidence struggles. Therapy has helped me tremendously

 and medications can help you through the roughest spots especially when combined with therapy.

 Mental health challenges do ebb and flow but the good news is: it is possible to learn how to overcome


Statista. (2024). Number of U.S. adults who received mental health treatment or counseling in

  the past year from 2002 to 2022 [Infographic]. Retrieved July 28, 2024, from  adults/

 Robinson, B. Ph.D., (2022, April 14). 47% of Americans believe seeking therapy is a sign of weakness.

 Forbes. Retrieved July 28, 2024, from

*Note* Just like with cereal and protein mix, shifting occurs while in the process as did with me transmitting the references).

A big thank you to Karen Iverson for guest blog posting for Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Freedom against Domestic Violence.

I pray this blog is encouraging to all women overcoming domestic abuse eradicating mental health issues. Blessings beyond measure!

Eileen Seefluth | CEO, Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc.

Eileen Seefluth | Creative Christian & Broadcast Writer for Seefluth Consulting, LLC.

A note of things 


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