Countless Tips for Your Next Move Forward



Moving is grueling, but a new start is refreshing, reviving, and moving forward especially with peace if you have the "right" place to move. Where are you moving, any ideas?

Here are some areas to consider and be mindful of as you move closer to what you are called to do in your destiny of freedom.

Check the neighborhood first where you are considering moving, it will have a big impact on you. Your surroundings are so important! It is good to make sure it is in your liking and your spiritual walk, well-being. Some examples include not living near a bar, that doesn't produce a welcoming or healthy atmosphere. During my recent home purchasing search, I found this beautiful home, but about a block and a half away driving out of the neighborhood was a bar. I said no. Using boundaries is important.

Check for the right church in your area. This is as important as looking for the right schools for your children. Even if you don't have children, the right church for you is essential so you can be fed spiritual. Nobody can operate without spiritual feeding, it's impossible. If they think they can, it is as if having no water in the Mojave Desert, cannot do it.

So, with a new church which fits you, you can feel it in your gut, you will have peace. With a spirit-filled church you know you are worship in spirit and truth just as scriptures reflects in John 4:24 KJV.

Here's a hot one, check for nature!

Mature and beautiful flowers will surely set the tone and your mood. Vision yourself there and the release of stress from all the "grounding," and nature, talk about empowerment!

What about the neighborhood, is it clean? No old furniture or junk on the curb waiting for it to "someday" be picked up?

The noise level is of optimal importance especially when you are recovering, restoring, refreshing, and renewing areas of your life. Most people, even if they have not experienced domestic abuse do look for quieter places to reside. Nobody wants to hear a train tooting in the middle of the night or in the wee early hours of the morning. In the movie, My Cousin Vinny, Joes Pesci sure didn't like the train noise during the sleep hours.

Shopping Options are realistic. I had a family member who lived very close to a shopping area. They considered purchasing a home in the country, but never did so because they enjoyed the convenience of shopping a hop-skip-and jump of close by! Need a gallon of milk, some eggs, or bread for all those sandwiches you need to make? Good to live with convenience of shopping nearby.

I know all neighborhoods do not have sidewalks, but they sure are nice! Kids can ride their bicycles and skate, plus, draw with their chalk where you can enjoy the younger years with them as kids grow so fast! Sidewalks are just easier when you want to go for a walk, talk with a trusted friend, and get the needed fresh air.

Having Emergency Services close by is kind of like having insurance, a requirement. Nobody really likes paying insurance, but they are good for protection and coverage for medical, dental, auto, home, and probably other items not mentioned. 

Think about short commutes to where you need to go whether school, work, activities, engagements, groups, you wouldn't want to drive an hour away for those type of functions.

A compatible vibe is important. Do you feel good and comfortable? Or do you feel out of order? Vibe is very important. Remember, we serve a God of order, not of chaos.

Safety is primary. Check your new place for a solid fence, the roof, windows, the garage, locks, and well-lit areas like walkways. When I say the roof, just make sure it does not look shoddy. Do not climb on roof to check it yourself. Also note if the area feels safe. If it does not, you will feel it in your gut. If it does, congratulations! You have the bubbly feeling rising up and you are not only feeling happiness but joy which is a fruit of the spirit!

It is always good to check for exercise options. Is there a trail? If so, go for a walk with a friend.

Check for good schools. Always good to be aware of and know you are close to good education. This is whether you have children or not. You don't know what your future holds, but you know it is going to be great as you believe in faith in the Word of God. It is truth.

What's next? Driving options. What is close to you? Are there gas stations, grocery stores, department stores, restaurants which you like? How about the post office, or a nearby park? All are good to keep into consideration when moving forward. I know there are more locations to think about then what is listed here. These are only a few thoughts to empower your process.

A couple of items to think about, and I know there are more than I am listing, but all think about if your area is a flood-prone are and what are the sights and smells are the area? I used to live in the country in Alabama for a while. If you would drive a few miles at least 5-10 miles up the road there was a mill. Woo-wee did it smell! Thank goodness it was not in my direct dwelling area.

I hope these tips have been helpful to you. Some of the resources on the list are from you can check for more if it tickles your funny bone!

Blessings. Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering women against domestic abuse.

For writing needs associated with business, PSAs, creative writing, or women empowerment against domestic abuse, contact Eileen at Seefluth Consulting through 


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