The Secret Code for Breakthrough


                                            Image by: Unkown


Hi all. I am pre-planning this blog for Sunday, July 14, 2024, because Sunday is the Lord's Day.

I pray you all find time for worship, tithing, soaking, praying, taking communion, and thanking God for all He has done for you and all He continues to do for you, it's the secret code for breakthrough.

The good stuff is on the way. Remember, we don't go by what we see or how we feel, we go by the Word of God. So important to recognize as this energizes your faith as you speak it out.

I recall probably twenty years ago; I was listening to Joyce Meyer. She was talking about faith and confidence. She was relating it to an airplane!

Airplanes are in my family big time; they have been for years!

Well, without any gas, the aircraft is going anywhere. I know, it's a no-brainer. The point is faith is what you need to move the dial in you. Faith is the connection to Poppa God. I am equating faith to gasoline...I'm sure ya'll figured it out.

Recall in Matthew 18:19 it talks about where 2 or more come together in faith in the name of Jesus, look out! You have Dunamis power!

You've seen rockets take off fast in the sky, well, the power we have in us goes fast than that. You may be thinking, oh my! But it is true.

So, if you are already taking the time to thank the Lord for getting you or your friend or your co-worker out of a domestic abusive relationship, it takes the person to a higher level. Higher is where you want to go.

If you aren't quite sure about all of this yet, test it. I guarantee it works. You must stay consistent and not backslide though. If you are consistent with it all, get ready for unbelievable wonderful changes.

Have a super Sunday. Goodness and grace are all over your life even if you cannot see it yet, wait for it, it is coming. Don't wait for it like a bus, wait for it as you soak and stay in the Word of God. He knows what's up. Nothing, absolutely nothing surprises Him.

Be blessed. Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. #empoweringwomenagainstdomesticviolence

If you are interested in these empowering, informative, and educational writing, you may contact Eileen Seefluth through the website from the url or send a message via Facebook.


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