Cheers to Your New Access for the Road Ahead


                                           Photo Courtesy: Wallpaper Cave


Graduations happen starting in May, then trickle through the wintertime.

But what if you are graduating from milestones, events, various habits and hangups you have picked up 

through the years for one reason or another, you graduate with celebrations as you remove old junk and 

replace with the good stuff meaning new a place to live, new job, new ways of thinking, new friends, no

 more smoking or drinking, and you can fill in the blanks from there. These graduations happen every

 day, and here are some pointers for them.

As I read in Romans 5 recently, the scriptures stood out, kind of like the fluorescent tent in a camp sight 

which nobody could ever miss even through a thick stormy rain (you know how hard it is to see through


When you pay attention to Roman 5 it mentions "access." Access is by faith, having the confidence 

without seeing your prize in front of you.

Here is a story to go with this verse: Shonda had good success (Proverbs 3:4 NIV) with friends and 

favor with her job. Though she was late for work nearly every day because she could not get 

to her job on time with transportation and childcare issues, she had to have a whole lot of faith to 

work this part of her life through.

She needed to air up her tires, then repair the seat belt (especially driving kids to their designated


Occasionally, her neighbors watched Zoa, Andrew, Micah, and Tilly. They were nice kids all under the

 age 9. Sounds like a handful, they were!

Zoa loved to talk with mommy. She needed to hear mommy's voice while she was at work, so Tilly 

would make the comforting call each day usually around the same times. 

Andrew, Mr. Tough boy likes to fiddle with objects, whether the TV remote control, couch pillows, his

 sister's diaper tape (they are like cool stickers), or items in the frig (now think of that!).

Then dear Micah. Sweet as candy, seriously. Micah can do no wrong. The siblings are a little jealous 

of dear Micah, but they still love him so much even though he gets so much attention.

Shonda has brought the kids to work on occasion. Micah still has favor with everyone in the building 

and all 12 floors filled with offices. That's a lot of favor!

Shonda needs Micah's kind of favor with her rides to work and childcare.  

She considered applying for a loan. After all, she has the income flow for it, so she can pay it back. She 

was thinking no more than 280 bucks a month, hopefully that can get her something nice, with 3k down

 that she has saved in her underwear drawer tucked away in her empty anti-diarrhea bottle.

She has a computer at work she can use with permission from her boss to apply since it's on company

 time She had one at home, but Andrew had a little mishap and spilled red Kool-Aid on it, oops!

Instead of blowing up, because she could have easily done so, she shifted her way of disciplining and 

calming herself down. 

Now, since she has made adjustments with how she needs to proceed, the idea is in her mind, and asks

 God in how to make it all work. In the waiting, He gives her answers.

She has access to God with her faith of knowing He will move on her behalf, and she does her part

as well.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering Women Against Domestic Abuse

Written by: Eileen Seefluth  of Seefluth Consulting, LLC. Your Creative Christian Writing Headquarters



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