Wait! Did you Hear that?


                                            Photo Courtesy: Bigstockphoto.com


Resting this fine Saturday morning, the sun shines through the windows and my music plays, "It's in the waiting."

How many of you are in the waiting? Having patience is tough though, isn't it? But, in the waiting, comes answers.

Where is your next job. Are you getting the promotion? Will you apply for the job to get the promotion? Will this situation ever change? Can I do this or that?

Your fresh ideas, I am sure you have plenty, or they are on the way.

New and clean thoughts of what you are doing next. Whether it's today, tomorrow, next week, or the plans for the fall. Quite a few thoughts may only be for the now and you may not be thinking ahead.

Perhaps you have decided to go back to school. At least you have choices for the physical building, or online. You also have the opportunity for scholarships and applying through foundations, if needed. There are plenty of resources available, but you do have to dig. Most resources do not just fall in your lap, you have to be intentional about finding them. It's kind of like the scavenger hunt I spoke of in my previous blog.

When you are intentional, all kinds of goodness happens because you mean for your steps in faith to manifest.

In the waiting, you have "discovery." Your senses are really open, especially if you tell them to open up, you recognize what you had not had before. It's as Jeremiah 33:3 states, "call unto me and I will show you great and hidden things which you never knew." Who would not want to see all the goodness of what you have been dreaming that's been stuffed like a turkey down in your soul? Hopefully it's good stuff you have been dreaming of, I'm sure it is.

The school, the house, the new friends, vacations, a life with total empowerment and total freedom. Some may shrug their shoulders and say, "nah," it won't ever be. I encourage you to think differently and know, it's in the waiting. The good stuff is on the way.

Think about how long a pregnancy lasts. Nine months of preparation. See, it is in the waiting. There's a lot that goes into preparing for a child. So much energy, strength, finances, will, power, choice, love, joy, faith, hope, nurture, decisions, and the list keeps going.

The nine months of waiting and you have a beautiful infant. You certainly had to do major preparation to birth your bundle of joy.

Now, within you, it is the same moving forward. Whether you have needed counseling, adjustments and shifts in the life (we all have), cleansing, soaking where there is rich ground. When I say rich ground, thus, which feeds your soul.

What does feed your soul? Certain people? Being in nature? Going to the beach? Foods? Worship music- hanging out with Jesus? The list goes on.

Your answers are in the waiting, and you hold the keys.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering women against domestic abuse

If you are interested in empowering writings for business, education, community events, or speaking engagements, contact Eileen Seefluth with Seefluth Consulting, LLC., Your Creative Writing Headquarters at www.EileenSeefluth.com or 918-407-7106


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