4 Breakthroughs for Economic Growth: Empowering Women Against Domestic abuse


                                            Photo Courtesy: Pixabay

 Throughout the years, I have had the honor of collaborating with women who have moved forward from domestic abuse and those working towards their freedom. They are both tough positions to be in and here is why: Economics.

It starts with the almighty dollar, no matter what country you live in.

Moving forward takes funds, courage especially, grit, faith, and the bonus, believing in yourself. You must have a place to move into, a way to travel to get there, turn on the utilities and pay for food and gas.

To do all the above, be thankful for your new source of income. That is where the real fun is for most. When I say most, the statistics are high. I read one report, “63 percent of needs were unmet for the request of housing.” You can look it up at acf.hhs.gov, and the report is from 2016, a bit aged, but you get the point.

So, in 2024, where are we today with this? Last I time I purchased eggs (the other day), they were at five bucks a carton, cereal at least eight bucks for three bowls, and bread, stop eating it!

 What changes these statistics? Before, you needed funds, courage, grit, faith, and belief in yourself. Here are helpful hints:

·         Confidence. This comes from your core and yes, you automatically have it, it is a matter of using it. It is just like the light switch in your home. If not turned on, the light does not shine even though the power is on with the electric company. Once you flip the switch, you have activation. II Timothy 1:7. Soak in this. You have what it takes. Don't let anyone tell you differently no matter who they are.

·         Good Eye Contact. Here is an excellent human connection; the story is in your eyes. The communication and growth for your confidence commences with your pupils as well and springs forth bucks for your wallet as people can see what is on you and in you. Isaiah 41:15 KJV.

·         Wearing nice clothes is helpful as well (raises your confidence and so much more). Does not have to be designer clothing, only cleaned, and pressed. Once you have the right comfortable garments and the right colors that “pop,” you feel more valued as a person and classy with your own style. This is a vibrant way to work in the office, make a presentation, or make the baby steps which are right for you. Genesis 30:33 KJV. Clothed in the robe of righteousness. How about that for your apparel? How exciting!

·         The Healthy Handshake! A firm handshake geographically tells your story in less than 5-seconds, let it be a seismic connection conveying your confidence, courage, and boldness. The economics in your handshake have “interest," so start collecting today! Handshake says you mean business, and they are so welcoming to the right people. Proverbs 22:2. All handshakes are equal baby, God made them. Meaning, doesn't matter if man or woman, rich or poor, any race, does not matter. 

These are all keys you can wear on your wrist to ensure moving forward at your own pace.

When I left the same type of situation, funds were scarce, but boldness and courage were prevalent and I made the leap of faith to change my life for the better, you can too.

©2024 Eileen Seefluth | Broadcast & Creative Christian Writer

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering Women Against Domestic Abuse


Contact Eileen Seefluth for creative or business writing. Specializing in women empowerment against domestic violence with presentations, voiceovers, speeches, articles, and more. www.EileenSeefluth.com






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