6 + Ways to Cleansing Your Home

 6 Way to Sparkly Clean Your Home

                                                     Photo by: Eileen Seefluth

People primarily move in the summertime especially when they have children, it's an easier transition. Women who are empowering themselves against domestic abuse move all the time! 

In the beginning, stepping into your new space you hope there is not any mold...but, if spot some somewhere you have to clean the junk out first, then fill it with disinfectant and hot water to totally clean the area.

 Same way here when you move into new space whether apartment, condo, duplex, house, ranch, or even staying at a hotel for a night or two or three! To do so, you speak the word of God to (spiritually) cleanse the location from anything not of God. Once you have cleaned the area with your big prayer of commanding and taking authority, washing all the gunk by the waterfall of God's love, you spray it down in prayer was wash it with scripture, lots of scripture.

The exciting part, this works, and why wouldn't it? It's the word of God, faith comes by hearing not seeing or feeling.

Here at six steps you don't want to miss in your house cleaning straight from Chuck Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, Protecting Your Home From Spiritual Darkness:

1. "Take Communion with your family at home. Be sure to include the children.

2. Sing at home.

3. Pray at home. Pray as a family.

4. Testify about the good things God has done for you at home.

5. Speak the Word in your house.

6. Keep your house bright."

They elaborate on these 6 in their book, so you will want to be sure to get your hands on it as it is chalk full of information and years of wisdom.

As I spoke of yesterday, taking communion is a key which cleanses, nourishes, and strengthens beyond measure. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without it!

Singing brings delight to your heart and home. What will it do for your home? Try it and find out. Maybe you already sing happy and joyful tunes, I do....

Pray at home and with your family, no matter how big or small it is. Praying moves the mountains just like it says in Mark 11:23 & 24. We all want mountains moved quickly.

Testify about the good things God has done for you at home. Share the news with everyone! One time I needed to vacuum my 2-story house and couldn't because it was too loud and hurt my ears. I surely needed some help. I asked God to help me and he did by sending my neighbor over, she vacuumed my entire house. Yes, it was very helpful and sparkling clean. A part of this story, did have to believe and have faith about getting all the vacuuming done for a big house, plus, be courageous enough to ask for the help, and I did.

Speaking the Word of God in your house is essential. You think oils are essential, think about the Word of God, there's your oil right there! Speaking protection over your house using Psalm 91 is essential. What a covering. It looks like the beautiful handmade crocheted blanket your grandma made.

Now, do you have your Windex handy? Nice to keep your house light and bright. Let the sunshine beam through the windows. I know, it's been hot with the humidity, at least in Oklahoma, so some people put foil on their windows to detract the heat, but that isn't really the way to go. Let the light shine, shine bright, and there is your peace, truth, and goodness.

Women Empowerment Solutions. Let us hear from you if you have a positive comment or a topic of discussion that is appropriate. God bless.


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