3 Places For "This" Song. Activate Your Rest When Needed.


Image Courtesy of: Outwiltrade.com

The calls are sad and piling up like laundry!

The women's shelters are all full. What's their capacity?

Women everywhere, state-to-state from all 50 are searching like a hunter for a place to stay.

The good news I hear about this ongoing epidemic is women are changing their minds! That's gold.

Instead of putting up with garbage like anxiousness, bullying, frustration, control, power trips and intrusive and abusive language and actions, women are thirsty for freedom and a fresh new start.

It's as the Bing call keeps going off. Ding, ding, ding, and the winner is_____ (you, because you have the victory).

Not much planning goes into these jolts sprinting for freedom. More, impromptu since you have to think fast on your feet.

Before, during, and after any domestic abuse situation, or even if you are not in a domestic situation Exodus is the place to hang out. Most of you I am sure know where Exodus is, but if you do not, here it is.

It is the second book in the Bible. Chapter 15 verse one is so rich and power as it is The Song of Moses, "I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horses and his rider he has thrown into the sea. 2) The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. 3) The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name."

In the first line, you are professing and declaring the Lord over your life. So, you see, the shift begins as you speak and sing it out.

Deuteronomy 32 and Psalm 90 are other references for The Song of Moses as well.

When you are working to progress forward, I know times when it's rough, the rain pounds on the pavement and you are left wondering. 

As you read this scripture, over and over until your eyes are tired, let it soak in and give you the rest you need to rejuvenate. 

You thought the coffee or latte was going to give you the jolt you needed, watch out for the Dunamis power which comes from God's rest. 

There, he will direct and guide you, bring healing.

How many of you need oil in the rest? I will take some! Oil me please!!

I am excited for you as you lean into the scripture, and not only in Exodus, but the Book of Psalms as well, chew on it (think and mow over it), feel the soothing come through the pages as you read aloud. The sting will fall off from what you have been through each time to you read and soak in these beautiful, encouraging, and life-giving words.

Rest does your body good.

Rest knowing God has you in the palm of his hands.

Rest renews your mind.

I could keep going....the results are on the way.

Be empowered against domestic abuse. You have the power within you.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering Women Against Domestic Abuse



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