This Current Event Makes a Big Difference Moving Forward ->> in Your Empowerment


                                                      Image by: Eileen Seefluth | Creative
                                                      Broadcast Writer

When I used to attend Toastmasters meeting years ago, one of the rules they would state, "don't talk about religion or politics in the meeting." Obviously, sometimes you cannot avoid either of them.

Today, we are talking about them both!

Before you squirm, let us dance with this, because there is much to celebrate.

First, we want to clap for President Trump (though he is not active in the White House), that he is doing well, he is a miracle.

What does this have to do with empowering women against domestic abuse?

When Trump was in office here is a light summary of what he accomplished (there is a bunch more):

  • Economic boom 
  • Tax relief for the middle class.
  • Mass Deregulation- what does this mean? Provided the average American housed with an extra 3100.00 dollars every year. He also signed an executive order to make it easier for businesses to offer retirement plans.
  • Helped Americans have more money in their pockets.
  • Cut off red tape in the healthcare industry.
  • Fair and Reciprocal Trade
  • Signed an executive order making it government policy to buy American and hire American and took action to stop the outsourcing of jobs overseas.
  • Took strong actions to confront unfair trade practice and put America first.
  • Historic Support for American Farms.
  • American Energy Independence
  • The United Stated became the world's top crude oil producer in 2018 and maintained the lead position through 2022.
  • Investing in America's workers and families.
  • Advanced women's economic empowerment signed into law key pieces of legislation, including The Women, Peace, and Security Act and The Women Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act.
  • Life-Saving Response to the China Virus. 
  • Suspended all travel from China, saving thousands of lives.
This list of items & much more you can find:

All valuable, precious, and needed guarding and guiding, protective, enforcing rules and boundaries and much more.


Now, match with scriptures because that's where alignment comes in (and people get funny here and say, do not get so is honestly not about religion).


What is exciting is that when you read Psalms and Proverbs, you will learn more about value and preciousness. Which you are so valuable and precious. Song of Solomon has packed words which apply too.


Enforcing rules and boundaries are a must. Whether it is our nation, workplace, homes, city, counties, even a person must have boundaries for relationships. When you do not have boundaries in relationships, life becomes sticky as peanut butter. Having boundaries is a very good way of staying healthier.


If we did not have boundaries, it would not be very good because then people hop over the fences (figure of speech) and do whatever they want, which does not work.


You beautiful ladies know what it is like to have a new set of boundaries in your rule book, so people do not push you over anymore, especially mate (new husband, present husband, boyfriend). Remember, you power is equal.

 Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering women against domestic violence through Biblical principles with writing, broadcasting, and speaking engagements.

For writing, interviews, or speaking engagements, contact Eileen at at Seefluth Consulting, LLC.



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