Fresh opportunities in the garden, can you see them? Why or why not?

A grand day for you in more ways than one, and in every minute of the day.
What is in the day for you?

The s is God’s Garden in Toronto (for real).

The possibilities are endless, and you can choose, and choose more to your hearts content.

Opportunities and His peace are waiting for you... you’ll need to participate in them. Sometimes it isn’t always known.... keep your eyes open for them. This is a must to see the difference in you, the day, what is offered, and the unexpected (those are always fun, right? Sometimes...).

Movement causes the change, and this is what empowers each of you, when you move.

You start to see a shift and notice the difference. But the difference in what? Moods, attitudes, the way you see yourself, why your are believing for? The list goes s train track or a highway.

So, as you work, play, engage, encourage, and thrive throughout your day- notice the changes you feel, and each minute of the afternoon is filled with God’s Grace even until the ladder parts of the evening. Remember,  God is always awake.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


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