The many sources you can hear all the answers

Women Empowerment Solution is in Canada.

Learning more on the insights from Catch the Fire-
Hearing God’s voice.

This is powerful because it can be like a big math problem. Once you figure out different signs, thoughts, visions, pictures, ideas... you realize all the messages He’s speaking.

When you’ve had a history of domestic violence (or even if you have not), hearing God’s voice is remarkable.

Not talking about an audible voice, but the ways mentioned above.

One good very good use of prayer among many, is cutting off all traumatic experiences.
You know that after having dealt with domestic violence, there’s been a ton of wicked stuff you’ve experienced and you do not want any more similar situations.

Today, I encourage you to lean closer into the Word of God. Hear what He has to say to you, whether in scripture, a person, thought, or various other means.

God bless your day from Canada

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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