How to put your hurts behind and stand tall

As you can see, this is a super tall sky rise in Toronto.

I pictured this because it’s how angry we can sometimes become if it’s not dealt with properly.

Today, in class we discussed anger and how to release from it.

This is so important so as to not eventually explode like a coke bottle. Some have already experienced this from a former perpetrator that is a bomb going off when he or she is so mad.

First step is recognizing the stuffed junk or denied anger... hey hey.. I’m sure we’ve all been there at one point.

Some indicators you stuffed anger (like stuffing a turkey), but worse, because it’s you...clamming up, fidgeting, blushing, blotching, shortening of breath, finger drumming or foot tapping, laughing where nothing is amusing (I’ve done this one), apologizing when it’s unnecessary, headaches, clenching diet or jaw, suffer despondency or depression... and the list goes on a bit.

Now you get to deal with it all....
* Admit it/own it
*Recognizing the source
*Release it (very important)- expressing pain or anger in ways that is not harmful to you or others—so now *you forgive... such a BIG one.

Forgiving can be so tough.. especially when a spouse or boyfriend has hurt you or from a guys perspective, a woman has beaten him.

You feel lousy at that point and ... just doing everything to move forward.
Forgiving soccer bunches the devil. Score! You made s great big goal since releasing and forgiving.

Now... you really feel as the tall building because you are so free.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence

Reference: Healing Life’s Hurts
Student Manual, School of Ministry


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