Turn up the volume in with flow

Here, you see Niagara Falls... the bigger part where all the water  is swished and wandering around.

This is empowering to know how much freedom is everywhere.

This is representation of movement. The more you are free, the more movement you have to do whatever you like or what you need or want.

Empowerment is in word and action. Sometimes we can hear stories from others, mainly, their testimony of how that person got through a certain area in their life.

Some area are bigger than others, but you can move through the obstacles  with forward thinking and hanging out with God for distinct direction.

Quiet yourself... for a bit. May be 10 minutes or longer.
Fix your eyes only on Him ( meaning God) and think about nothing else.
Flow. Fly w in the spirit and allow Him in your heart with words and encouragement, images, scripture, whatever He has for you.

Next, have a pen and paper ready to write it down and see what God has for you.

He will guide you through any challenge and walk you through whatever you need. You will be surprised and empowered.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


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