Where your shift comes from

Systems in place, nothing goes to waste
Plug here, avenue there, protocol to meet
Washed off are the dirty feet
Clean and revived, restored and not bored.
Make your call to the Lord.

For He already knows, He is only waiting on you.
From Deep Blue to who knew and Nancy Drew
There is clue after clue.

Empowerment starts with you.
You’ve heard a “word” and got stirred.
What did you hear?
It was clear

There’s a shift happening
It’s not dampening

Your ears are open
Eyes totally see
You ask, “what’s in it for me?”
Change. Big change.
Your tomorrow is no longer in a cage
And you will earn a bigger wage
Ahhhh the scent of Sage....
You have turned the page
No more domestic violence outrage

You are full of peace
You have a new lease
With new keys
Driving with fortitude and gratitude
No more solitude
Or dirty mood
Happy and full of life, no more strife.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence
Image: St.James, Toronto, Canada, photo credit, Eileen Seefluth


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