Declarations you can make to empowerment

Standing by the water, it’s genuinely surreal.

It’s more than one of those souvenir toys you can shake and it looks cool and bubbly on the inside of the glass globe- it’s empowering.

Here, you can not only imagine, but you can activate all the walls of control immediately fall off and wash away in the falls. Also, wash off rejection, abandonment, disrespect, violence, guilt, shame, and more.

Yes, Niagara Falls is what you are looking at here; the Canadian side.

Full of God’s grace , power, HEALING and RESTORATION- calling peace back into your life.

For anyone reading, any walls (barriers) you’ve been dealing with from a domestic violence history, declare it now, the walls are crumbling off you and you are a new person. God can do anything.

It’s amazing what you can do with God’s love and mercy.... just ask Him. His love is so thick and tangible, you recognize it when you KNOW Him and have a relationship daily. Amazing.

I invite you to leave any comments and contact W.E.S. with any prayer request- we are happy to pray for you.

Blessings one another with encouragement and hope, using our gifts and talents to empower in a dignified and delightful way. How about it, speak the Word of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence 


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