Happy 4th July America

Happy 4th of July. It’s a great day to feel “rosey” and free.

It’s a good time of year to remember all that we have and be thankful for our freedom.

Certainly freedom comes with s cost, whether you are thinking Jesus died for our freedom, perhaps another thee thought are military soldiers, or yourself, freedom from domestic violence.

I’m thankful to Jesus and I’m also thankful to the military for freedom- there’s been so much done in these areas. I’m super grateful that Jesus walks with us in everyday life; it gets kind of tough in the world, right?

This is a big day I believe for empowering women as so many of you resonate with refreshment. The need is certainly there.

After copious challenges you are looking for a fresh start and a fresh new beginning you will find.

Look for new opportunities and new ways to express your new-found freedom in ways you’ve never known and forgotten how to experience.

Red, white, and blue is yours— which in turn spells freedom! Look for it daily and and welcome the robust new life with open arms.

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


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