The sail that caught your eye

The water is cold and ominous, but flows with no cut off time. Sailing is everyday whether the wind is blowing or not. This is a scene from Lake Erie.

While it may be “eerie” to think ahead what is in your alley, fret not my dear friends. Like ahead looks real good and is in the palm of your hands.

Those who have struggled from domestic violence learn how to experience life in a new way.
The walls of torment are gone. Sometimes you don’t realize it, and, at times, still freak out. Even today, almost two decades later, there are still areas of “sailing” that I work through.

Let’s be honest, domestic violence is no easy obstacle to overcome, but it can be done. Each persons story is different, as is each ending. Some are grand, while others are chalkboard wrenching and it’s like a parent on the sidelines rooting their children to the win. Other times, the wait is like sitting at the airport waiting for a ride, oh boy!

Women Empowerment Solutions is here to encourage you with peace. Sailing in waters wherever you are is sure to give you tranquility. If you are not there yet, know in your heart the more you think of a peaceful solution, have support systems, a changed mindset, and take what is yours (freedom), the sail begins in a big way.

I heard the best “escape” story recently, and praised this young lady with her progress. She is sailing to a good life filled with freedom, prosperity, joy, strength, protection, increased courage, and more.... and so are you!

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic abuse 


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