The spark of hope lit by one

And the dishwasher had a spark to it at the top left as if it were about to catch fire-it was lighting up

like an ember or coils in an oven.

The dryer door was entirely off, and I was taking about six or seven aprons from it. Then saw a

poster-sized image of myself with my senior class in an old high school photo- what was that all


My pastor said, "you didn't tell me about the dishwasher." I said, "I tried."

All this and more, dreams, that just don't make any sense- like domestic violence.

Why would a guy (or woman) have such a fit and tear up items they have worked so hard to obtain

and sustain for their home or, for themselves. Spending hours making hundreds of dollars, destroying

the work of their hands?

A good question that really, nobody has the answer for. Attitude, rage, anger, very unruly behavior

from a lack of self-discipline and control.

Thank goodness your moving forward, and these volatile video clips are no longer active in your life.

Praise God.

You have peace now, or very close to having it.

Your court proceedings are either starting or about to wrap up.

You are learning all the in's and out's and are garnering valuable life lessons, enriching, and

enhancing your value, strength, and God-given abilities.

What you have gone through has been horrific and unimaginable. You are still pressing though. Your

stamina has only strengthened as has your vision.

Jesus will see you through, this is His promise, and He never lies. He is the truth and the only way.

I encourage you to depend on Him. The baggage of yesterday's trauma of domestic violence, we give

that to Christ, in Jesus' name.

Expect great works from our Lord as He works to champion miracles for you; the spark of hope.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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