Six sleeves police and dogs howl

Some say she will, and some say she won't.

While others say he does, and he says he does not.

She can and she does, and often, he doesn't like it.

What does she do and where does she go?

Does she lie low and forget abuse, rape, stalking, trauma

seismic blows, and neighborhood police lighting shows

gunshot smoke and the kids have awoke to bloody woes

while next door Jack mows catching an eye for domestic foes

the birds tweet, but not chirping anything sweet.

The animals howl, Some hiss, others would like to prrr for her knowing she is OK for sure

There is no signal YET.

The ministering Word comes in like a rushing wind and gushing waters.

Sweets the taste of Jesus Christ.

 The oil of gladness wiping away the ashes and turmoil of yesterday.

His grace, oh so sweet.

He bottles all your tears.

His Holy Spirit comforts you, more than a mother with a newborn.

The days transition, and your life moves into position.

Women Empowerment Solutions-frredom from domestic violence


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