Fire over U.S.A.'s battered women takes root with one ember

Today she is on fire.

She caught the flame which is rapidly burning across America.

With confidence that she IS good enough.

Her self-esteem risen to new heights because she isn't bogged down with name calling, accusations

that make no sense or shouldn't have even been made, no more "throws" across the room because she

didn't agree with him or not cook something to his satisfaction, or, also say something incorrectly.

She can keep her make-up, and her clothes are not ruined in the rain.

She has a whole new identity. Knowing that she is God's and He is hers. While He (God) is her

Protector, guider, comforter, teacher, healer, lover of her soul, she is the one that ultimately makes

her living choices.

Where she will live and how she will live is ultimately up to her.

On your behalf, God will send a lifesaver.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence



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