"Minding" your normal; count the ways

As you search for your tomorrow, be well-alert whom you involve yourself with, and the atmosphere.
I'm sure that is a no-brainer for most, however for others, it may take some time to sink in.

It's easy to stay in the same patterns that you've known for so long, it's just typical. But moving
forward and staying away from people and places that bring you down, take away from your energy,
will soon bring revelation to you that you had not realized before.

Think about your mindset and what you focus on. What do you think and dream about? It soon manifests into reality. It may not be in a day, a week, a month, but somewhere in the timing, it
(whatever that it is) will appear.

Women Empowerment Solutions wishes you days filled with restoration, hope, increased faith,
resources, information, empowerment beyond whatever you could have imagined for yourself, and solutions that solve real-life situations that you may be facing today.

Not only do we wish you these fruits, but with prayer, gut-out the impossible and place on the
Cross for your betterment. Believing in wholeness for you, knowing that our God is fully willing
and absolutely, able to help you thrive, build new boundaries for yourself, and you shake off the dust from wherever you have been.

Thank God we serve a Heavenly Father that already knows our needs, He just wants us to come
to Him and ask Him for help, believing (keyword) He can (help)- just keep knocking at His door. He DOES answer. I know, sometimes it takes a little bit of time, but He isn't ever late, thank God!

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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