Victory and freedom more than just a wardrobe

I saw this picture hanging at the Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma City recently and am inclined to

share if you have not seen it before. If you have, there's more meaning than meets the eye.

The image reflects freedom and victory.

What does that mean to a survivor of domestic violence?

Embracing in areas not known or that have ever been seen.

This is a door wide open with breakthroughs, miracles, and much more.

This reminds me of scripture from Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV), "call to me and I will answer you and tell

you great and unsearchable things you do not know."

If you have ever been "stuck" in a place you did not care for and did not know how you were going to

 move past unthinkable acts, words, or circumstances, and you asked God to help you mow through

all the hairy stuff; manipulation, intimidation, guilt, any abuse, this scripture will speak to your heart

any time.

He shows us as we dig deep, He is the answer and the only way. He will guide His children through

the "murky" waters because it's like a thicket.

If you have ever tried to swim or fallen off a sea-do in Oklahoma lakes, you know the water is murky

 you'll have to paddle your way through- what does this mean for you? Think about it.

There's no "paddling" through things with Jesus.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence.


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