The fine print and your crown, look further than the 401k

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be the queen for the day?

You and your hot enchanted crown calling all the shots.

Maybe not, since you are already the boss. You are learning your ways
day-to-day without domestic violence (doesn't it feel so good?).
No volatile person to answer. Not having to worry about being home at a certain
time concerned about repercussions.

You were "undecided" about decision making before, and now, it's a wash. You know how to answer or what direction to take. This is a piece of cake (but it wasn't always that way),

You feel your confidence rise since you only have yourself and your work boss to answer. Your world
is so much lighter and figuratively speaking, so much more "real" knowing your circle of influence is changing- after all, you are now stepping into areas you didn't think you could before and are more emotionally stable than you were ever some time ago.

 You've gone through counseling, and your disposition has drastically transformed. The gaps you have crossed are impressive and expansive reflecting value, ethics, self-esteem, self-control, boundaries, and much more. You look in the mirror and say, "wow, is this really me?"

It's truly unbelievable how a woman, such as yourself, can change when freed from domestic violence.

Most people have no idea unless they've gone through domestic abuse themselves. It's worse than a horror story, that's why survivors don't want to watch gory movies. To this day, I startle very easily.
My teen thinks I'm such a sissy since I will not watch horror movies. I detest them. You must be careful anyway with what images you see, those morsel pictures go in your soul- makes you want to vomit. 

As I end the blog this day, let's clean some mess: I speak a release over you from trauma, it must go now in Jesus' name and cannot return, not ever. I also speak deliverance over you from any hindrances and control which had been keeping you from moving forward in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

I believe your world is going to start changing fast and furious in all good ways. You won't be in "need," and you won't lack any good thing, that's God's promise. If you believe in His promise and know He will help you and guide you no matter what anyone else says, you are in for a special treat.
It's like when you read the benefits package on your 401k. Not everyone understands the fine print and "all" that they are given, it's amazing. 

Be expecting, God is going to blow, and you will be utterly astonished at His good works. Keep saying "more Lord" because the blessings are on the way.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence.


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