What is green isn't just kale

We know the earth is green and so beautiful.

Remember as a child having played in the freshly cut grass in the summertime and growing a few

inches during that time right before going back to school in autumn.

Playing red light green light year-round with friends and excited for the "green."

Thankfully, not just for St. Paddy's Day, there is more- green every day.

Could be at the stop light, maybe in the mint-chip ice cream you had for a snack, how about the

cucumbers where you leave the skin on in your very green garden salad?

If that green doesn't excite you, I know your green eye shadow or favorite green apparel will top that

off with your beautiful green purse. This tote bag doesn't carry the luggage from yesterday year, or

does it?

I'm sure you have dropped that off outside the front door of your new place and declared that you are

a refreshed woman now. Luck of the Irish has nothing to do with your new -found peace you've

decreed over yourself. It's Jesus.

Thank goodness for God's Word. He is so dedicated to us even in dark, ugly places. And yeah, we all

know anything having to do with domestic violence is nasty!

We are here to empower you from domestic violence, not stay in the mud where you can't get power-

sprayed off.

People think "I'm so lucky this and that." Luck has nothing to do with your situation or circumstance,

and it indeed doesn't matter how many bowls of Lucky Charms you eat either.

God's Word is victory, and we can bank on it. We must believe what He says if we speak it.

Do you believe the words that you speak? Think about what you say; positive or negative. That is

what you get more of-so concentrate on what The Lord has for you, it's excellent.

Women Empowerment Solutions freedom from domestic violence


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