Safety protocol you should consider

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused (yikes!) by an intimate partner in the

United States per year ( We know many are violent acts, many of which are not reported.

A good portion of the women become intimidated by the perpetrator for fear of his/her retaliation.

This is scary because you don't know how he's going to respond in whatever situation.

One thing you can do is be prepared. While there is no 100 percent guarantee of anything, you can

take safety precautions by letting people in your circle know where you are and how you are doing.

Stay off social websites or turn off specific allowances not permitting prowling to your page(s).
I know, many of you stay away from the time buster anyway- good job!

Have a security alarm system in place at your residence.

Good lighting at your residence.

Remember, notice your atmosphere in the locations you are at.

What are some things to consider as you decide whether to leave?

Nothing is your fault, ever and,  abuse is not normal; not yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Abuse can happen to anyone (

How can you plan to leave and keep yourself safe?

Pray and call the police. 1 Chronicles 16:11 "look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always."
By George, what if you are too scared to leave?

I was for a long time. Then, one day, I just left. I didn't care, I went. Sometimes that is not the easiest

especially when you care for the person and have children with the person whether they are a spouse

or you're in a relationship with them. Talk with friends or family whom you can trust, a physician you
see for an appointment; they have an alley to the backdoor for help, and any other support groups you

can think of. Women Empowerment Solutions is dedicated to praying for you and can help with

discussion and guide groups. Transitional housing is limited.

How can you leave the situation if you don't have any money?

Many shelters will help you out regardless of your financial situation and call for a ride for you too.

Remember, keep the faith in Jesus Christ- He will see you through.
Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


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