You can champion your recipe with one to two things

Suppose you are leaving a domestically violent relationship, and nobody believes you about your


You call the police and ask for the abuser and his items to be removed from the premises. One big

factor there, both of your names are on the deed or lease, you can't just scoot the other party out to the


The officer then comes on the scene. He asks you a few questions, but only in front of the perpetrator

 and will not go any further with what would become a report because you will not speak in front of

the abuser. What then?

You announce, "can't we just go somewhere else and talk?" He exclaims, "no, let's talk right here.

This location is fine." You have an eye-roll going on like, gee wizard, what is wrong with you?!

Of course, you have an "eery" feeling already like you swallowed a lump that went to the bottom of

your belly because of the discussion that just wrapped up.

In this scene, you can have a backpack already waiting on the outside. It's kind of like the maternity-

  story having already prepped to go to labor and delivery, you are ready to go.

Though this situation is quite a bit different, you have your checklist of items in your bag waiting for

you on the outside so,  you are free to make your exit quicker, sharper, safer (hopefully), maybe more

 mindful,  smarter, can go further in your journey because you are not so "anxious" as you would be

without the bag.

Your intellect hammers the gaps where they are slim to none. Continually pray for your mind by

securing the helmet of salvation on your head. You can meditate on this from Ephesians 6 in the


After dealing with domestic violence situations, you do not feel too good. You want as far away from

it as possible and to never deal with volatile people ever again. Unfortunately, there are a few

stinkers in the world (yes, that is putting it very mildly), so we must protect what God gave us, it's

our job.

Remember, you are a champion of your life.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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