Have you heard the news? July 4th isn't the only Independence Day

Let freedom ring, the lyrics we enjoy.

Dining out, vacationing, shopping, spending times with the ones we love.

Sporting our best apparel and rocking like a star.

These are some ways everyday people live life. You can too.

The survivors fresh out of domestic violence situations are just learning this for the first time.

"Yes, I get to have fun." But more than that, you get to really live!

When no fun becomes the everyday normal, that's when you need to take another look and

you see "something needs to change?"

How do you / do you not know what freedom looks like?___________

__________________. Write your answers and think about them.

What does it look like for you?

Since you're not trapped in a box anymore, you can look further than the walls of where you were.

Thankfully, you have goals, vision, passion, dreams, favor, blessings, identity, ambition, courage,

and the list goes on.

Gratefully, Jesus' speaks life and truth, which is readily available for you- just take it!  All

His answers are "yes and amen."

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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