Transformation wonder nation 1.0

The definition for transformation:

Now, you figure out the rest. No, just kidding.

As I posted on the Women Empowerment Solutions Facebook page, the video from John Maxwell,

he discusses "transformation."

What does that look like for you? Could be a mountain of steps, it was for me.

I know that we all take different steps but, as he mentioned, we all do have passions which do give us

 strengths. What are your strong points and what excites you?

Your dedications can be simple, but they are mighty which move you to another level, which is what

you are seeking anyway- somewhere you never thought you could reach.

I remember when I graduated from the University of Phoenix in early 2010, I've been destined for

greatness but didn't know all the details.

Right afterward, Women Empowerment Solutions came to mind, and I knew that I would work with

women in some capacity but did not know all the details. That was almost a decade ago, and the

process has been impressive. I cannot say all of it has been fun (behind the scenes processes for

 myself), I'd be lying if I said that, so, I will keep it real.

The toughest parts are just the unknown areas, like with empowerment from domestic violence.

Women wondering what to do- how to get yourself back. You, who have felt the enemy steal so

much from you. Even when you have stood firm, you have felt mowed over. When you focus on what

 you want and how to obtain it, all of it starts to flow. The process is grueling in areas, but the more

you muster your strengths and keep praying with the stamina I know that you have, watch

breakthroughs happen. Transformation manifests like popcorn- yes, and you get every yummy flavor!

 Who to call- Who do you believe you can call that is trustworthy? Women Empowerment Solutions

is always open to talk and is now forming discussion groups. If you are interested in this program,

please leave a message on the reply portion of the blog and feel free to reply on the Facebook page


 How you are going to pay your bills- Hopefully your paycheck covers all your expenses. However, if

they do not, continuously claim Jehovah Jireh as your provider.  Make a budget plan and do your best

 with what you have. Think and focus on what you do have, then, thank God and believe He will

guide you through the process. Thank Him for things you DO NOT see and visualize what you need,

and watch it manifest (not out of a rabbit's hat and not immediately) It may

 seem far- fetched to you but,  it is genuine and does work. 

 Child Care- This is a tough one. Find someone you can trust. Don't go cheap on child care. Pray and

 meditate on this. Something is going to work out for you. If you do not have a church you belong to,

I urge you to find one. It will change your life for the better. If you have had a misunderstanding with

 a church or someone in it, resolve those issues or just move on. Break all barriers.

Otherwise, see if you can take your non-schooled age children to work with you if that is permitted.

Transformations are yours, claim them. Decree and declare them in Jesus' name. Why not

 claim what is yours? Your His child, right? If you don't feel like you are there yet, there's a prayer for

 that too. With all your heart, mind, and soul, accept Him into your life. Watch transformation start.

Part of the transformation process is getting to know yourself much more.

Build on your strengths, which are_____(you fill in the blank here).

Focus on what you can, not what you can't.

The exciting part is, there are open doors and opportunities everywhere you look, just go after them.

Transformation starts with you and ends with you.


Where are you on this numbered stick? When I left an abusive marriage a long time ago, I was

probably at a negative number. Today (and for some time), I am at a 10 with transformation. You can

do this too, you can count on it- but it does all begin with you and your choices.

Romans 12:2 ESV "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your

mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and


II Corinthians 3:18 ESV "And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being

transformed into the same image from the one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the

Lord who is the Spirit."

Women Empowerment Solutions- freedom from domestic violence


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