Stone cold breakthroughs happen in the midst

One of my pass-time activities in the winter months is to play with the weather application in different cities, states, and countries. It's just entertaining to see what time of the day it is at various locations and how the weather varies in different parts of the world, like with Polar Vortex.

You can be assured, it hard to maneuver especially when dealing with abusive situations or know someone who has or is. The weather plays a dominant role with what ladies can pursue next.

 Pushing passed cold weary weather causes more duress and havoc, extracting any household items or clothing from a home to a new location. Then, there's the dreaded court appearances and uncertainty of how the judge will address (or rule) the situation and what penalties the defendant will incur if any. Checking in with an attorney for whatever he or she may requests, possibly setting off for mediation (oh gosh!). Appointments for well-checks, making sure you are healthy must relieve in pressure from your mind. You get to sit back and relax for a few minutes, maybe longer, have a hot drink and refocus where you want to direct your energy.

The rest are school, work, case work, and other errands and schedules as well, all opportunities to think right things and know that you've come a long way. Definitely, when the weather is not cooperative with our plans or areas of life in which must be mustered through,  it's frustrating and another area to overcome.

Empowering women from domestic violence against any frostbite in extreme weather conditions is a fact which many states are doing now. Shelters are packed, hot lines lit up, people opening their homes, it's amazing how people are coming together in order to help others in need.

What about needing to fly across the country making a lifestyle change? She can opt to drive, ride a bus, better yet, a plane ticket will work too, but if flights are cancelled to due the weather, then what?

Then, survivors with no phone or internet access? That is almost as rough as the Polar Vortex, sort of, right? It may sound archaic, but there are still some with no cellular telephones or internet access (digital divide) to take care of business and finding refuge.

How does she move forward in a domestic violence related case retrieving items from her home or making her way across town for other necessary appointments? These are logical focal points to think about and work through for the best possible outcome.

Speaking of outcome, I have a story of my own to share.

One stone cold January years ago, I recall copious boxes (probably 80) thrown in the driveway (I didn't get to pick any of them either) and it was maybe 20 degrees. I had no way of checking the weather and of course, I'd missed the news- it was actually the furthest thing from my mind anyway.

I did have a helper and was grateful for the time, energy, and resistance to cold weather.

I can say, household items don't really matter in these type of situations. Survivors either sell the items, give them away, throw away, they won't matter in a few years. Probably 80 percent of the items I had retrieved I gave most of it to the Goodwill. There comes a point where you don't really want to take any baggage with you or have any reminders from that time in your life. It takes time to reach this point,  but I assure you, you'll get there. Most material possessions do not have the same meaning, therefore, it is good to keep moving forward.

D V (Domestic Violence) type of situations are filled with challenges which come from various directions. Most you can and will overcome the abusive situation, usually takes some calendar time, but it is possible.

Keep in mind, weather and D V are similar, you never know what either is going to do.

Women Empowerment Solutions freedom from Domestic Violence.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2).

If it is your time to uproot, stone cold breakthroughs happen in the midst.


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