Seconds to freedom

The second you take action, changes take place.

From speaking up and standing your ground to looking for resources. All of it matters and helps you move in the direction of your dreams.

The perpetrator doesn't like it, no wonder he is freaked out, he knows your leaving (he feels his toes are getting stepped on majorly)- but you don't have a "second" to loose and you can move past the abusive situation.

Having a plan to move forward IS recommended, but, rarely happens. Research shows  an astonishing 75 percent of women are killed from their abusers ( trying to make an exit for freedom. This is not necessarily women with a plan, but women making an effort to move forward, they know "seconds" count.

Imagine rounding all your children together, no matter the age. Then having enough clothing for everyone, all documents in safe place where you there's easy access, funds (most women leave with nothing), and transportation with a place to go. This is the scenario most would lean toward but isn't always possible.

It doesn't matter how long you have known the perpetrator, knowing his ways. He can and will change in an instant and locate you very quickly.

So seconds matter, even when you make the call for help. Make sure you and your children are always safe and quickly give your location to someone you can trust (maybe a rep from 911, rep from a shelter, leader, first responder).

Try to be proactive with your thinking if possible. I know sometimes pressuring circumstances can get in the way, but do your best with what you have and focus on your goal. You can do this because you have "fire" (courage) within you.


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