Mix and match decades, you'll want to know

Whether it's the end of October or the middle of May, some people have strange encounters. Who knows what this could entail, especially if it's a person dealing with an abusive situation. Might be an onlooker or maybe a person that just escaped a horrific scene.

First, depending on the situation and level of intensity, questions ensue. Next, make sure the person does not have choke marks because in this case, a nurse would need to be called to the situation immediately. Of course, calling law enforcement to take a report (to have a record for the courts is vital) and direction is a good action plan. I think this is the part where it's good to keep a small tote of emergency items in the car like a flashlight with some new batteries, a small blanket, water, things like that (comforting items).

Making any necessary phone calls is helpful too for a  survivor. In crises situations from domestic violence, women cannot think clearly and are "fogged" up. Gratefully many supportive numbers are available. Calling employers, setting up temporary housing, making sure children are taken care of, any emotional assisting is appreciated and welcomed.

Consoling the survivor is essential and helps the strong-willed learn to trust again. Helps knowing there is someone they can trust again.

There is hope for survivors and those looking into the crisis exploring options to empower these women (and men).

If you can resonate with these women: Martha, Mary of Bethany, Joana, The Samaritan woman, Mary Magdalene, and the woman caught in adultery to name a few, you will see and understand the 'strange encounters' they had, who met Jesus were never the same again.
Martha's priorities needed some rearranging as some women leaving domestic violence experience a challenge rearranging their lives and can hardly think to prioritize.  Priorities are usually taking care of children and staying in a safe place. Most people are empathetic and want to do something to help in these unusual situations (but, unfortunately, DV is not uncommon ).  It's heart-wrenching discovering your neighbor, sister, co-worker, daughter, or someone that you love, or even someone you do not know is hurt. You'd be surprised to see how many people will help in these situations while others may judge and form thoughts.

Thankfully, there are those that are faithful like Mary and are committed to helping those in need. Women escaping from domestic violence are grateful many needs are met: Counseling, clothing, housing, prayer, someone to talk to, food, support groups, kits, resources, information, and the love that pours in to empower them with fruitful words and encouragement.

The Tulsa area has many with women like the Mary of Bethany, stepping in with devotionals and serving women in need.

For all the Joanna's who use their power and influence to support women through ministry is phenomenal. Making impacts through testimonies is healing, what survivors need.

Women seek refuge for a better place of course, and when they find serenity, it sure is sweet. Then, making better choices comes much smoother.

Do you remember reading in the bible about the woman caught in adultery? There's still hope for survivors with this story too. It's not uncommon for some women who have been dealt a violent hand from the alleged perpetrator to have had an extramarital affair (though it's not the route to go) to leave an abusive marriage. Sometimes they feel like they have no way out and this is their way to freedom. Thanks to Jesus, He redirects and intervenes, even for those who have felt like they've been wearing a shame patch.

Women Empowerment Solutions freedom from domestic violence.

John 4:7 "A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." (For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.). The Samaritan woman said to him, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?" (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.). Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.."

God is our redeemer and each person has already been bought, including you!


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