Heart matters and change situations

Knowing what to say and when to say it isn't always comfortable with someone close.

An abusive situation was brought to my attention Tuesday with someone whom I know quite well. I don't spend a significant amount of time with the individual. However, this person is close to my heart.

I received a quick drop off with no explanation, and I was grateful that I was the one called upon to empower in this situation.

I thought, here I am writing about intervention, prevention, education, and empowerment, and someone (other than people that call me or W.E.S. on purpose) comes to me without knowledge of the work I do. Trust is like a sturdy rubber band; does not break unless you take it too far. Trust is definitely something earned and kept well, similar to fine cheese or wine.

I prayed about this situation and showed love and support- what I can do at the moment, right? Pray for protection.

Some heart qualities to bear in mind when dealing with domestic violence are evil heart, a hardened heart, deceiving heart, bitterness, wounding, dark, and there are more. I'm inclined to stop with these few giving you an idea (maybe you already know). You can pray all of these ugly feelings off and ask God to power wash them back on HIS cross for you or a friend or someone you know,

Some people may say "what! are you kidding me after what that person did to me, there's no way I'm going to ____(you fill in the blank)." Feelings don't change overnight, but if you are open to change and God's Word, you will be more surprised than any dreamy Christmas day you could ever imagine.

I'm only talking about heart changes, not going back to the alleged perpetrator, do not do that! Perpetrators need proof that they have changed and this does not mean with a simple "I am sorry." Anyone can do that- it needs more meaning and support behind the "I am sorry." Sorry for what? You mean the beatings, degrading, loss of work, putting the kids through unnecessary turmoil, oh, and you mean ____, ____, ____, yes, the list goes on. The statistics are very low for the alleged perpetrators who have actually changed without continuous counseling, and educational classes which empower them to see the root causes, engage in discussion and continue in court-appointed levels.

I ask you to empower each other by nourishing hearts with the Word of God. That's like when a person has been ill and needs medicine and nourishment is administered to save the day from cruddy intrusions.

An understanding heart fills areas with peace, joy, love, support, kindness, hope, faith, direction, comfort, agreement, compassion, truths, honesty, and so much more.

Drip like a honeycomb and see change and hear words that make a difference in daily lives. Ultimately, you'll see a shifting wave of results and take control (positively) from domestic violence.

*Side Note* A few years ago, I had hired an attorney regarding a custody case. In the midst, I heard from God telling me I don't need any attorney for this and to work the issue out on me own- I definitely had a heart change (oh boy!). This worked in my favor and not only did I receive everything I wanted, quite a bit of money was refunded to me and I had an immense relief about the situation.

Women Empowerment Solutions-Empowering Women from Domestic Violence


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