Core delicious

Happy New Year 2019.

A time of refreshing, rejuvinating, and following after your heart in a new direction.

You have dealt with the outlandish outbursts via text, phone calls, and at times, bruises. In various instances, not easily seen by the naked eye. Other times, you've been hammered with blue, purple, and green discoloration of your skin only because you spoke up for what you believed in.

You covered it up with your "best" makeup to ward off embarrassment and shame and other feelings you experienced at the time. I know, I've been in these situation more times than I can count. I used to wrap myself in a blanket like a burrito, hoping sometime and somewhere, things would change.

The change began with me, but it took so long. When I made the choice to break "free" and move forward, my "ship" was seriously activated and steering with new direction, insight, resources, support groups, and the love of Christ.

Good thing there are so many churches to choose from and you know which one is BEST for you! One that is rich the Word and speaks to your soul where you can easily blossom like the beautiful flower that you are.

It's exciting to know, women are especially designed with courage and intuition among other "core-popping" gifts. Power is truly in the palm of your hand, in your very, the sky IS the limit and soon the fruit is exposed...the fruit being you and your gifts.

Today, is the beginning for many women mustering courage to arise and speak out as well  as taking action for the future.

No more accepting overdrawn boundaries, unruly school yard bullies as spouses (or boyfriends), or disrespect actions.

I'm excited for women to not only move forward in the year but to also be empowered with a flow of the Holy Spirit. Watch Him move and see your life change before your very eyes.

Happy New Year 2019 from Women Empowerment Solutions


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