A simple call to the universe

When you are in a domestic violence situation or have recently left one, you are thinking about a number possible solutions (or...maybe none at all). First, "how can this be happening to me?" Next, "O.M.G. I am so glad to be done with him and far away from him as well, but what's next...is there something else?" What about this one "how am I going to make it (housing, food, transportation, childcare, etc)?" What about this popular phrase, "what am I looking for....a job? a new home? what am I going to tell the kids? Better yet, what do YOU tell yourself after having left (or leaving now) the one person (abuser) you've loved for so long (or...not long at all) that has beat you down (physically and emotionally)?

How do you know how to find your way back on track of your glorious journey which is meant for greatness, not sorrow and abuse?

Ask yourself a few questions and seriously speak out what you want to tell the universe. For example: What do I want? How do I get it? "In Jesus name, I call forth____and I won't take anymore abuse ever again because I am strong, confident, beautiful, protected, and I break off  patterns of attractiion from abusive-types of behavior, and best of all, I am God's daughter, in Jesus name Amen."

 Now, whether you have relationship with God or not, speaking to the universe works...but just a heads up, God is the maker of the universe, so He is the boss and He gives us all "choices" to make. I know, you didn't make the choice for someone to beat you up and now you are well on your way to moving far from him...agreed, and good for you!

First, as you go forward, keep in mind, safety. This priority is of utmost importance to your well being. Volatile men can and do get wicked, but keep in mind, all guys are not wicked. For the ones who are adult schoolyard bully-types, be prepared ladies for anything and that means, get a protective order if needed (but that won't necessarily stop the perpetrator), turn off your GPS systems if you have a phone, and have rock solid support group. Without taking safety precautions, situations with the perpetrator can and do get messy....hopefully your pressing situation(s) reflects the end of a chapter and the beginning of great times ahead.

Make sure you have peace within your heart.- it's more than a "warm fuzzy." You will know if you do not have peace; it's not a great feeling- like abuse. If you have peace, energy, strength, and happiness will follow. You will feel "lighter" on the inside, nothing weighing you down (like it was) like a boulder or layers of winter attire (you do not want to wear anyway).

 Also, think about what honestly gives you freedom? Are you free to do what you want and how you want (with respect to following the law)? If not, why or why not?

Make positive, simple declarations out loud of your expectations and where you are going, and what your desires are. These declarations will eventually manifest, however, it's up to you and what you truly "believe" and keep declaring each day. Whatever you call in, give it time (it's like your paycheck...after a bit of time, it comes forth), the shift is going to happen.

Women Empowerment Solutions applauds you for making progress and starting your newly empowered life, free from domestic violence. If I can do it, so can you!


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