25,000 feet of encouragement pumps more than shoes

Sitting in the aircraft, the door is bolted shut. Elizabeth feels a sigh of relief.
"Oh God, thank you for getting me out of that mess, Lord. Thank you for this plane ticket."
As she mumbles this to herself, the neighbor in the next seat overhears what she says.

With a chuckle, her neighbor says, "you indeed can relax now, we are going 25,000 feet in the sky."
Elizabeth says "yes, nobody can beat me up here in the sky, right?" "Oh, goodness, I'm sorry dear,
I didn't know that was your issue. But indeed so, you have complete freedom in the friendly skies
And even when we touch the ground, I think you will see it the same way."

Elizabeth explained her situation of having lived with her boyfriend for eight years and that she left
her family to live with him. No children came from this abusive relationship, so it makes life a bit easier.

The two carried on a conversation until landing, 3.5 hours later. Mrs. Stockstill aka, Sharon, was able to encourage Elizabeth in mighty ways how life will work out and how her family relationship will be
returned as restored once again because of the copious prayers put out in the atmosphere, which does
wonders for the heart, soul, and spirit.

"No more guessing about how you are going to thrive in this life and move forward when you find a new someone. The new guy will come along once you are ready my dear. Take care of yourself while you learn and grow, then, prosper from changes you've made in yourself. Look for good character traits in the next guy.

 Make sure he is the kind of dad you would want for your children. Is he easily angered and punch a hole in the wall, or does he stay calm and composed and uses healthy ways
to decompress? What words do you think he should typically speak? Not that you are dictating
his speech, but you have a keen ear for the right words with the right tones. You are blessed beyond
measure and are equipped to chart these boundary traits."

The two departed the plane with prayers, hugs, and best wishes.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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