10 or more under the zipper

When you are ready to make a bold decision to move forward, or if you know of someone who is ready, here are a few items to take:
Pictures and pieces of unique sentimental value
Insurance papers
Medical Records
Address books and any journals or diaries
Social security cards
Divorce papers
Birth certificates (yours and the kids)
Medications and prescriptions for yourself and any for your children
Keys that you may need; house, car, work, mailbox, anywhere you might have an association to that you have a key
Driver's license, insurance papers, car registration, tag number
Checkbook, funds, ATM cards, bank or credit cards, bank information
Library card
Work permit, passport, identity card
Lease papers, house coupon book-for monthly payment, deed, agreement docs on house
Jewelry, valuable mementos
Identification for yourself
School records, degrees, certificates, letters of recommendation
Vaccination record
Bank statements
Heirloom item(s)
Children's blankets, pillows, favorite toys
Though some items are replaceable, other items, not so much. I would encourage stowing items in a safe place; maybe at the home of a trusted person or a lock box for some things.
Children's favorite blankets and pillow along with favorite toys are comforting to children and make transitioning a little more simplified.
Heirloom items are not replaceable. If you have something that means so much to you, find a place for it away from harms way immediately. I lost a few items years ago that were dear to me that I will never get them back.
The bible is an excellent book to have around whether a small one in your purse, tote bag, in the car, in your desk, anywhere. This book is life-changing, and I am sure you already know. But, if you do not, take time to read a paragraph or so, even if you only have five minutes and watch Holy Spirit move. He'll give you eyes to see like Him and ears to hear just what you need from Him.
Bank statements are good to have with you so if you are leaving for the first time and need a quick place, they probably will require 3-6 months in bank statements to prove your ability to make payments as well as employment verification and or check stub(s). Though you may easily obtain bank statement copies, they get expensive, and you should avoid that route if possible.
Keep your vaccination records.
Sometimes you can call the school and ask them to resend you a copy of the school record, but the best rule of thumb is to keep these documents safe and secure. Certificates, degrees, documented items come in original form, and it's like high school graduation, you only receive it once.
Oh, a few more things to bring with you; your beauty, because you are beautiful, your confidence that was swept under the rug and smacked off you- but you do have it, and your value-worthiness, and of course let's not forget your courage. You have it all. Shine bright.
I pray you have all your items and you have peace about your move. God bless you.
Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit: Amen." Philippians 4:23
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