Establishing the facts and motives; how do I count the ways

Whether a person is in Plano, Texas versus Frankfurt, Germany or replacing someone's medicine with Drano, they know the difference.

In the news this morning I read this story on FOX, and for whatever reason, I'm not super surprised. Sad to read this news, but not shocked.

Perhaps it's the laundry list of stories I either hear about or read that makes me respond with, "really?"

The story is that the girlfriend "Drano's" the boyfriend. Wow, what did he do? But, even if he did do something (abusive), liquid toilet solution is not the answer. Anyone ever heard of self-control these days? What a tough situation.

Most domestic violence situations are unruly and tough.

Some are worse than others. I haven't heard whether, or not that this is a domestic abuse case, sure sounds like one. Maybe the girlfriend was having a psycho-trip for whatever reason.  I understand the boyfriend is expected to survive. With that said, I hope the girlfriend has some plan of action or the law protects her; which, I'm sure they will be handling her from a legal standpoint (jail).

There should be increased mental health treatment and expose those in need of attention; whether boyfriend or girlfriend.

There are a plethora of options to make relationships right, or just walk away if you can't seem to get it right.  Hurting another is not an option no matter the gender.

Wishful thinking for me, both will seek the help they need and not intentionally do any more harm to anyone.

The Book of Proverbs has some good advice.

Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence


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