Worth and Value Shout From the Inside



Worth and value go together, like a hundred dollars and a woman on a shopping spree! It feels good, sounds good, and it works.

Hello everyone. Worth and value are important to the core.

In my upcoming book, I will talk about worth and value, and how it can work handsomely for you as you shift your thinking. Believe me, you must know who you are in Christ.

Often, people go to the grocery store and decide what is of value for them to purchase. Do you want this steak and English potatoes, which there is enough for two meals for 3.99. Do the English potatoes sound like a value to you? They do not to me!

Once, I purchased a ten-dollar pink Avon bag over twenty years ago. I could put lipstick, lip gloss, money, tiny cutesy stuff in it, and it was oh so cute! It was of definite value to me as I could carry my small items in it and still be stylish. Like Shania Twain says in her song, "it what a woman wants!"

The real elements a woman wants are her worth and value. She has them, but at times, especially in domestic situations, the bruising is like apples, brown spots appear.

Worth and value stem from the inside out, not from the outside in as maybe society will tell you or the monster who tore apart your self-esteem.

Ask yourself how you feel on the inside? Where is it coming from?

You get to reach deep down inside yourself and pull it out. How do you do that? Daily self-care and healing, sugar.

One true angle, you need the right people around you who will bring you up, not down. Down is for the drain and that is not for you. Up is the only way. You fly with the eagles.

I know, you have tried and tried to do certain activities or studies, or whatever until it is just not your fun spot. What do you do? Move on.

Remember, your worth and value are shouting from the inside out!!

Ephesians 3:20, "You can do all things through Christ who strengths you."

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc.

Empowering women against domestic violence through broadcast writing and speaking engagements.



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