Ahh, yes, the Numbers Game 10:3!


                                                         Photo Courtesy: Clipart-library.com

The numbers game is everywhere we look from hopscotch as kids to birthdays, checking account numbers, to inventory and measuring recipes. Measuring is important in all cases whether it's about marketing or finding the right results, especially for women empowerment against domestic abuse.

What's the big deal?


First, the dynamics are big and boisterous. Like elastic and plastic bottles, everywhere you look! The good thing is we can call, Jeremiah 33:3 KJV, it says "call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Talk about a revealing! Stuff which has been hiding for so long is coming to the surface. So, goodbye to the dynamics, hello resolve.

Next, what about calling for help? There's no harm in picking up the phone, right? 

Well, yes and no. Yes, there's help, everywhere. Better to call for help and be empowered with all the numerous resources available, there's a bunch- kind of like all the school supplies coming to the surface in all the stores. It's all readily available from police officers, advocates, laws in place, counselors, trusted individuals who are willing to hear the most important story you / or someone you know needs to share. There's no harm in sharing, it's releasing what you need to let go of anyway. No judgement. 

I can see where some would be hesitant to call because there's questions.

 Those numbers are stacked high as rolls of toilet paper which we saw in 2020-2022, and I think they are still stacked even in 2024.

 Women are afraid of repercussions, and rightly so!  Been there, done that, and the good part is, once you get on the main road, the numbers are in your favor because you keep trucking and keep your focus on the prize.

The focus is Jesus, He is freedom. God's perfect love, it casts out fear. II Timothy 1:7 reminds us, "for God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control." You can't fancy that in normal everyday life, you must have your armor on, the Word of God.

What if you don't?

The numbers on the calendar show you how many days are in a month, so keep working at it by accepting Jesus into your life. It's not hard unless you are resisting in "fleshy" ways. The empowering choice is changing your mindset. Once you do this, your numbers will drastically change from your lab results to your bank account numbers, and the phone number and people you meet.

Become familiar with Psalm 91 for protection.

When your faith needs stirring Hebrews 11

When you worry Matthew 6:19-34

If your wallet is empty Psalm 37 (be assured, Jehovah Jireh will always provide for you. Call in your finances).

Understanding Christianity II Corinthians 5:15

When you want peace Matthew 11:25-30

This is a partial list by Sean Feucht, who has many credits behind his name. I find these scriptures empowering and thought you might too.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. empowering women against domestic abuse


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