Help for your Clue Hunt

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Hi Friends,

I am sure a portion of you have played "Clue" growing up, or in your young adult life. I played Clue, Bingo, Pictionary, Candy Land (elementary school), and others. Pictionary was my favorite and Monopoly I spat out like foods I did not like. I could not wait for the game of Monopoly to be over. I was like a kid on a long road trip, "are we almost there? Is this almost done?!"

This blog is about clues and when you know you have grown in specific areas of your life, it is time to graduate to the next baby step.

Clues come from people, thoughts, the whispers within you, dreams, and especially dreams. Often, clues come while you are in the “action" of moving forward because that is your faith at work.

When you go to the Book of Hebrew, it is all about faith. Pay close attention to chapters eleven and twelve. Read them over and over, the words will pop off the page and you will receive insight of your clues. It takes consistency though, like a diet. You could get your dream figure by eating right consistently. It takes work.

Imagine a kiddo on a scavenger hunt. They are diligently seeking items. Sometimes they must have clues where to go next. A neighbor will give them a clue for where to go next. 

As with trusted friends, counselors, and clinicians, they give valuable tools and clues which empower you with your next steps.

Ecclesiastes 10:10 gives us all a big clue about becoming more sharpened. Know the facts, find out all you can from trusted sources. For instance, you would not look to Wikipedia for trusted information.

You can also find in Isaiah 40 how God comforts his people. It is comforting to know you can receive comfort from the father as you attain clues. As you walk through this time of empowerment, know God is in the midst. God knows the way and gives you clue after clue as you quietly listen to His instructions. He will never let you down, that is a promise to stand on.

 Remember the fun kid's show, "Blue Clues?" I encourage you to smile with each new clue you receive, and I know you will be thankful.

NOTE: Sharpening meaning reading, polishing, just like you would furniture, or your clothing (ironing, spiff them up), reading what God’s Word says about your specific situation moving forward.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering women against domestic abuse

Written by: Eileen Seefluth of Seefluth Consulting, LLC. Your Creative Writing Hea


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