Find Out More About Practice. What it Does and Where it is. True Gold.


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One visit years ago with my cousin, I noticed how awesome her application of makeup looked. I was like, "wow!" She did not understand why I was so amazed. Personally, she could have walked out of a magazine, she looked fabulous!

She told me, "Eileen, it's all in the practice. Do you know how long it took me to get this down?" Of course, I had no idea how long it took her to get the makeup practice perfected. You can find out more about practice while you are in the process and what it does for you and where it is all at.

The "time" essence of practice a.k.a. the "work" takes time. I read in one book years ago, it may have been Simple, Simple, I don't remember, but 10k hours of practice usually nips it in the bud. Yes, lots of practice. Break it down, not looking at the ginormous number, which will not get you overly excited. What will help you get excited is looking at the end result (take baby steps to get there, please).

How do you get the end result? Say, if you are trying to kick a habit like smoking, I have heard it is as getting a divorce! Once you choose to let go, it becomes easier each day and your senses change for the better. Changing your diet, another grueling adaption. But, once you practice consuming foods with a healthier result, every baby step counts. Then, of course, get the rude and mean people off your mind and out of your head because certain people were (& still might be) mean to you, you cannot understand why. Truth is, let it go. Sure, it does take healing when a person or people have crossed the line and hurt your heart. It starts with you first. The people who have been mean to you, they have problems and they (whoever they are), only want to hold you hostage. Don't let them.

Here are helpful scriptures to empower you in the process:

Isaiah 42 talks about justice. I encourage you to look it up at read it over and over, at least 5-10 so you it will stick in your mind like the sweet honey that it is.

Next, good ole Isaiah 43:18 & 19 has more! I encourage you to read this one as many times as you can, even until you get tired of reading, "remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old." Then, 19 goes on to say, "behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

Practice reading these scriptures and you will feel the healing balm oh so generously. Come on now!

One more for you (smile). Still in Isaiah, but 61 now. It is a longer scripture, but meaningful all the same.

As you reap the rewards.

So, practice what you like. What brings you joy. Practice doing stuff for yourself.

It can be difficult if you are not used to doing nice things for yourself. I ran into the same issue twenty years ago. Always used to doing for others. Making the choice to change was a brilliant idea (smile).

You might have this question....

What if you haven't had the money? What about transportation or even the resources? How would you practice any of these?

You can dream. You can dream big. You can dream big every day. You have "will." You have choices. You have desires. You can certainly make all your dreams come true. Practice like you have all you want and more and more. You are probably thinking, "yeah, right." 

How about today? You can get in the practice of writing yourself a BIG check. Go ahead, write a check for the amount you wish to have on a plain piece of paper. Pin or tape it on the bathroom mirror/wall or frig so you can see it every day. Allow it to soak in through your eyes, senses, your mind, and heart. You can do it with practice. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Ha! I remember when I was in elementary school. My mom would have me sit and read to her. That's when I was first starting to read. I had to sound out words every day. She'd work with me and was persistent (a key). Of course, I started out with the small words. I graduated each week, and day to something new. Point is the practice gave me traction as a very young person.

Today, I still have awesome memories of when my mother (who has been in heaven for years now) taught me how to read and practiced with me every day sharpening my skills.

Even as I was still in elementary, she kept me in the books, reading. Practicing my reading skills. What was great, she introduced writing to me with Christmas cards. How about that?

It was fun for me to practice reading and writing skills with Christmas cheer and gratefully, it all blossomed from there.

What you receive from practice: Experience, skill, shape and form, communication skills, hope, faith, love for your craft, open eyes, and the list goes on and on, not sure it actually ends!

What is does is puts you in position for your destiny! I am so excited for you!!

Practice does make perfect. Don't forget, you are perfect in the image of God.

I know some days are rough, I have rough days as well. I remember to shake the dust off my soul, because you know stuff does try to seep in, but we are in charge of giving the dust the "boot."

Practice not "settling." Practice knowing who you are in Christ. He will never lead you wrong, I promise. I am a living testimony.

Women Empowerment Solutions, Inc. Empowering Women from Domestic Abuse


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