Change in the Clouds by 1s, 2s, & 3s, see how.

Cloudy are some days, and you can still go a long way.
Fear not, for the land and people are about to see a change in a significant distance range.
From the coast to the Great Lakes and back to Oklahoma, you can smell the aroma.
The difference, the countenance is grand as beach and sand.
Living life fully and not afraid of the "bull," you can always feel the Holy Spirit pull.
Beautiful is your name; you certainly have a game.
Lovely is your life and without strife.
Maximize and be wise; you already have glory in you, and clue after clue.
Eyes wide open, and I know you have been "hoping."

Blessings to you and yours as you grow strong and not worry about what could go wrong.
Positive thoughts for you and days ahead as you are lead.

Our way maker provides the way no matter what the daily grind appears-
So, cheers and robust careers!

The day shall bloom with love, faith, favor, maybe some sunshine, or a shower, but no sour. You are God's glorious daughter, so come to the water!

Stand tall, Ephesians 6:12-24, God is empowering you from domestic violence.

Women Empowerment Solutions


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