Front to Back with No Slack Skies

Silky skies, desires for all your why's
answers come flowing and blowing
and not slowing.

Solutions you did not expect 
or ever detect
yet you have uber respect
so you sit and reflect:
old days, present, and what's ahead.

Does it matter what anyone has said?
Only IF it's encouraging and speaking into your future.
Look for nurture.

Goodness, righteous, kindness, people who will lift you 
Not boo hoo Mary Sue
or Linsey Shoo
but speak into your coming days
with brightness and lightness.

It loosens the puzzle, no more muzzle
More thoughts and visions
you make more decisions.
Remember, choice and voice.

Sure, you may have questions-that's good
and not misunderstood.
Research what you hear and what you know.
What does it mean and will you glean?
Ask where this or that comes from.
A reliable source or not so much, that could cause a time crunch.

I urge you to know and study Him (God).
He is peace, light, righteousness,
flooded with joy, kindness.
A suggestion: Study His fruits.

When you ask, sometimes there are new task.
When you stay quiet it's as if you are on a diet.

Speaking what you think or know
Helps you grow
With new connections
they feed you more sections:
Ideas, tips, suggestions
oh the mentions
are they in dimensions? 
Stepping up and out,
not in doubt
and if you want shout
you can think about:
It's not just bread or cake
for goodness sake.

Wonder no more
You'll see what hits the floor

Your feet with a new day
Opportunities for new pay

Open doors see breakthroughs
As you pay your dues

Not bills for frills and swanky deals
Your talents exercised,
shaped and molded
now your loaded...
with what you may ask?

Disseminate what you know
see yourself glow
incomes your dough
and you grow
and sow
no more furlough
all ducks in a row.

The secret of your heart
such an important part
can't buy it at Fast Mart
find it in your grocery cart
Or from some guy, Bart.

Strategies, tips, suggestions-
NO more domestic violence congestion.

Women Empowerment Solutions


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