Why your Song Deserves more Notes

Create the song, create the dance~
know what character you wish to enhance.
Energy from various sources-
some come from college courses
maybe from riding a pack of horses,
one said she's had four divorces...this gave her peace:
no troubles, drop the trauma, no guilt, no shame, no, not lame.
II Timothy 1:7 says it all, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind"~ chew and unwind.

Some say, "tried to get it right, there was never any delight."
It wasn't her fault she was as a container of salt.
He was a mix from seasons and thought he had plenty of reasons
one excuse here then the pot to seer
then who would "veer"....

She was having a tough time with her career
then it was tough looking in the mirror.
One day she took a closer look 
She saw her eyes and said, "yes, you are wise"~
Her lips took tips in the night
Some days were yes, I might-
Other days were, nope, and how to cope.
Signs here and tv shows there, but does she dare
 care and she has been fair and feels as she is rare.

Empowerment starts here.
Let's talk. Choices and women's voices. Rising up from within, and you begin to "quicken" to Holy Spirit~

Women Empowerment Solutiosn- Empowering Women from Domestic Violence


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