The News

Dear Readers,

As we know, domestic violence looms in places of employment, neighborhoods, communities,and yes...from the bright lit football field too. It is just there and has been for generations.

I don't know if you have seen the news lately, more stories on the NFL (footfball). As I watched and listened to the video, of course, it was absurd, to know that yet another male would abuse a woman. But again, it's been going on for generations whether it's a football player or not.

According to the news, one of the statements made by the allegde abuser, Josh Brown of the New York Giants issued a statement about he is sorry, he thought women were supposed to be slaves to God. I thought, hmmmm, where did this guy pick up such a silly thought.

We as people, CHOOSE what we do, say, or think. If someone hits a woman or calls her a name, he knows he is in the wrong.... he just thinks he can get away with it, and, unfortunately, sometimes he does...for a while.
We will certainly see how this plays out with the NFL; punishment, what kind? Suspension, counseling, kicked off the team?

More perpetrators have been in the news this week as well, violence against other women and men,..just alone in the Tulsa area. As I listened to the story, alcohol or drugs was related.

We know that there is a solution.

Zero tolerance and keep working together building up rightful ways. It takes the work of everyone. Truly, take a stand, Women Empowerment Solutions.


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