Fulfillment or Deeds?

She smells like tuna and catfish-she's been cooking all day, that's her wish...you say "no way!"

Water the plants, trim the hedges, she really does it all before she heads off to the mall.

Ahhh, her beautifying moments- a mani, a pedi, an up-do, how about a wax and luscious new lip 
stick? Colors not for the Halloween broomstick, rather, fall colors, please, no panty-hose runners!

She skips and sings to each store, oh-la-la, there's  plenty more.

Happy and full of cheerful spirit, stick with Women Empowerment Solutions, period!

A career filled with joy to speak at the top of the peak, women overcome, their not done.

Write and encourage because women are anything but sewage.

Power wash the dirty names off, you've started over in your new loft.

Charming and graceful you are, I bet you could kick-butt rocking the spar (karate).

So the spar doesn't sound so graceful, you smile because you are now so playful.

God knows how many hairs you have on your head and all the dirty rotten things someone has said

But you dear one, have truly won and completely stun the world around you, look out, girl has new


Give a high five to your best bud because you are done taking any crud!

Women Empowerment Solutions, a new revolution of with no substitution!


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