Sprouts of resources in more than 1
Thank you readers for your unwavering attention & diligence in reading my blogs about empowering women from domestic violence. Today, my guest blogger (while I'm out for a few days healing from an ear infection), Serena Catallozzi, from Brussels, Belgium has this to say:
"When we are stuck in an abusive relationship , we think there’s no way out. We are in pain, helpless and often think we deserve it. But this is far from being the truth. You don’t deserve it. We don’t deserve it. The situation you are in is not normal and won’t get better with time if you don’t act on it. In a situation of domestic violence, reach out. Never be ashamed to seek for help and for a while, to depend on others in this transition to a new life. People who have shared the same kind of experience and who are now free from it are willing to help. You are not alone. You may feel overwhelmed and don’t see how to get out of it but you’ll find your way out. And one day, you will be the one helping others. So go get your life. It’s waiting for you. One step at the time."
Women Empowerment Solutions-freedom from domestic violence.
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